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来源: 002cc全讯白菜网002cc全讯白菜网 发布时间 : 2022-11-25 点击量:

为加强动物生殖调控与胚胎工程研究前沿的交叉与融合,推动生殖调控与胚胎研究领域新兴生物技术的发展与应用,白菜网址导航将于2022年11月30日举办2022年动物生殖调控与胚胎工程国际研讨会(2022 International Symposium on Animal Reproductive Regulation and Embryo Engineering)。会议邀请了动物生殖调控、胚胎工程、基因编辑等领域的海内外优秀科学家汇报最新研究成果,欢迎大家参会交流!








 主席王锋 教授

 执行主席:张艳丽 教授









Opening Ceremony

Prof. Yanli Zhang (张艳丽 教授)

(Nanjing Agricultural University, China)


Role of Selenoprotein V in Reproduction and Energy Metabolism

Prof. Xingen Lei

(Cornell University, USA)


Dynamic Pluripotent Stem Cell States and Their Applications

Assistant Prof. Jun Wu

(University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, USA)


Generation of Bovine Pluripotent Stem Cells

Prof. Yong Tang (唐 勇 教授)

(Northwest A&F University, China)


Proliferation and Regulation of the Porcine Sertoli Cell Population

Prof. Trish Berger

(UC Davis, USA)

Prof. Shaochen Sun (孙少琛 教授)

(Nanjing Agricultural University, China)


Selective Autophagic Degradation of ACLY Homeostasis and 

Promotes Oocyte Maturation

Prof. Yiliang Miao (苗义良 教授)

(Huazhong Agricultural Unrversity, China)


Gene Editing in Small Ruminants

Prof. Irina Polejaeva

(Utah State University, USA)

Break Time


The Future of Sheep Artificial Breeding

Simon de Graaf

(Sydney University)

Prof. Bo Xiong (熊波 教授)

(Nanjing Agricultural University, China)


Improve the Reproductive Efficiency of Sheep Using Melatonin

Associate Prof. Lu Zhang (张鲁 副教授)

(China Agricultural University, China)


Utilization of Reproductive Biotechnology for Genetic Improvement of Small Ruminants in Egypt

Ehab Salah Abdel-Aal

(Ministry of Agriculture, Cairo Egypt)


Anti-Müllerian Hormone: Regulator and Marker of Ovarian Function

Associate. Prof. Jenny A. Visser

(Erasmus MC,Netherlands)

Dr.Mingtian Deng (邓明田 博士)

(Nanjing Agricultural University, China)


Sheep ESCs Derivation and the Early Embryo Development Regulation

Prof. Yanli Zhang (张艳丽 教授)

(Nanjing Agricultural University, China)


Consequences of Negative Energy Balance on Follicular Development and Oocyte Quality in Primiparous and Multiparous Sows

Prof. Katja Teerds

(Wageningen University,Netherlands)


Prof. Xingen Lei                    Cornell University, USA

Research Interests: Molecular nutrition of selenium and functional genomics of antioxidant enzymes. Overexpression of modification of phytase and protease for improved mineral (P, Ca, Fe, Zn), and protein nutrition.


Assistant Prof. Jun Wu                    University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, USA

Research Interests: Developmental biology using interspecies chimeras in an evolutionary context, body and organ size determination. Species-specific behavioral traits. Genome and epigenome editing. The molecular basis of anticancer properties and species barriers.


Prof. Yong Tang (唐 勇 教授)                    Northwest A&F University, China (西北农林科技大学)

Research Interests: The livestock pluripotent stem cell formation and differentiation in vitro and in vivo. Applications on animal reproduction and breeding, antiviral research, and drug screening.


Prof. Trish Berger                    UC Davis, USA

Research Interests: Mammalian fertilization and molecules involved in the fertilization process. Regulation of Sertoli cell proliferation. In vitro oocyte maturation and fertilization, CRISPR editing and embryo transfer.


Prof. Yiliang Miao (苗义良 教授)                  Huazhong Agricultural University, China (华中农业大学)

Research Interests: Porcine oocyte and early embryo. Somatic cell reprogramming and pluripotency of stem cells. The animal cloning and animal model creation.


Prof. Irina Polejaeva                  Utah State University, USA

Research Interests: SCNT and CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing technology to develop genetically engineered large animal models for biomedical and agricultural applications. Improving cloning efficiency through epigenetic reprogramming mechanism.


Prof. Simon de Graaf                  Sydney University, Australia

Research Interests:  Sheep reproduction and seminal plasma, sperm sex and Artificial insemination.


Associate Prof. Lu Zhang (张鲁 副教授 )                 China Agricultural University, China (中国农业大学)

Research Interests: Fertilization of animals. Early embryonic development in animals.


Prof. Ehab Salah Abdel-Aal                 Ministry of Agriculture, Cairo Egypt

Research Interests: The effects of vitrification and cryopreservation on oocytes and embryos of sheep, camels, and other animals.


Associate Prof. Jenny A. Visser             Erasmus MC, Netherland

Research Interests: Functional analysis of genetic obesity. The role of ghrelin in metabolism. Sex differences in adipose tissue function. The role of AMH in PCOS.


Prof. Yanli Zhang (张艳丽 教授)             NanJing Agricultural University, China (白菜网址导航)

Research Interests: Animal embryo engineering. Genetic breeding and reproductive regulation of sheep.


Prof. Katja Teerds           Wageningen University, Netherland

Research Interests: Reproductive physiological regulation of male animals.

